Rickreall, Oregon
Day two is complete. The first two have been very short, and we are adjusting our bicycles and getting a feel for riding with a full load. Tomorrow will be our first full day of riding. As for my fancy-pants computer setup, I am just getting acquainted with organizing and using all of the components I need to establish a connection between my camera, computer, phone, and solar panel.
We took off from our beach house at Lincoln Beach, just north of Depoe Bay, on Wednesday, June 16. The delay from Monday to Wednesday was due to Steve’s sister’s family coming to town. They flew in from Guam, and we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spend a day with them. We arrived at the beach on Tuesday, and left the Pacific coast the following day.
The first night, we camped off an old logging road, just past a gate that stated No Trespassing, No Camping. We weren’t bothered by anyone, though, and the area was much nicer than the RV park that wanted to charge us $24 for the night. The second day, we met Steve’s friend in Rickreall, and we will stay in his and his wife’s house tonight. Mike and Liz’s hospitality, dinner, and Internet connection are just what we need.