Tallahassee, Florida (Rest Day)

The final hotel bill was $143. Dinner was $35.

This morning I had my shifter installed at a bike shop. The guy charged me $15, but did far more work than I paid for.

Made our way to the orthopedic hospital/clinic. Mickey got in to see the doctor. $1,000 later, he had meds to treat his inflammation.

Made the horrible ride out of Tallahassee. The Odoms met us just east of the city. Janette fed us dinner as we had no food. Definitely the highlight of our trip so far.

Went to the RV park a mile down the road after we left the Odoms. The RV place wanted $23+ tax for each of us. They said we each needed to have a separate space. Mickey mooned her and we left. We’re sleeping in a lot in an empty box car. Still waiting for something, just one thing, to work out right. Well, the dinner did.